Starting a new business, especially a small one, can sometimes lead to opportunities to mix up your money. For example, you need to put gas in your company vehicle but forgot your company credit card, so pay for it with your personal one instead. Or when you get home,...
Month: October 2023
3 mistakes to avoid when starting a business
The time you start a business could be one of the busiest of your whole life. There is so much involved in getting a new business off the ground, and you may also have family commitments to attend to and a job elsewhere to support yourself in the meantime. It is easy...
What are the benefits of an LLC?
One of the critical decisions you'll need to make when you start a business is the legal structure of your business. While many small businesses begin as sole proprietorships, there's a compelling case for transitioning to a limited liability company structure. The...
Should I do a background check on a potential business partner?
Establishing a business partnership is a serious commitment, possibly lasting years or decades into the future. You may quickly learn about a potential partner by reading their résumés and other documents. Other times, these details are not enough, making you feel...